Thursday, November 30, 2006

Scarborough Is My Hero Today!!!

Last night Scarborough definitely won a place in my heart!
At 1:55am he suddenly woke up from sleeping next to my bed and ran to the front room barking loudly.
Now this dog never barks- occasionally at squirrels from the front window, but never at night, usually sleeps soundly.
He was barking- loud- growling etc. So I obviously woke up and listened to him bark for 1-2 minutes, then he stopped, and came back to the bedroom like all was well.
I thought about it for a few minutes, then decided to get up and check things out.
The front door was opened- someone had tried to break in!!!
The outer door was open, and one lock broken, deadbolt still intact, and the door pushed in.

At that time in the morning, with cars in the driveway indicating we were home, I can't think the intruder's intentions were good.

THANK GOD for Scarborough's alert!!!!!!

The policeman that came was greeted by Scarborough's happy wiggling demeanor and said, oh yah, this dog is ferocious! Since the other 2 dogs in the house slept through the whole thing....Scarborough is my hero today!!!

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